What if there is no line of sight?

What if there is something in the way?

  • Up to 100m the line of sight is not overly important
  • Over 100m the line of sight is much more important.
  • It is possible to dogleg the system if needed.

If you don’t have a line of sight between transmitters, the wireless will still work but it will be over a much shorter distance. Generally, if the distance between transmitters is under 100 metres then in our experience, it doesn’t matter what is in the way; the wireless will connect. However, this is not always the case, sometimes old stone buildings or dense tree growth can mean the wireless cannot connect at this distance. The only real way to prove it, is to try it and see.

If the line of sight and connection is a challenge, it is possible to “dog-leg” the system, to do this we use 2 pairs of transmitters and create the link in two separate “hops” to get around any obstacles. You can see an example of this below.

To do this you would have one additional shed kit. It would give you the ability to connect additional cameras in the middle shed however you do not have to. This can simply be used to get around any obstacles on your farm.