What is AgriCamera Care?

  • What makes AgriCamera different is our commitment to service and looking after you after purchase.
  • Furthermore, the benefit of being an internet based system is that we are able to work remotely with you wherever you are based, from Orkney to Penzance.
  • AgriCamera Care is our annual charge (free in the first year) for our continued software updates including security, our remote support/troubleshooting and online platform hosting.
  • We realised a long time ago that when you provide this type of system in an agricultural environment, things can go wrong and our customers need help to get back online as soon as possible. AgriCamera care and our commitment to ongoing service sees to that.

And what service do I receive?

  • For the annual charge of £100 per year (free in year 1), you will receive…
  • Fanatical phone and email support from highly skilled Devon based staff who talk your language. We guarantee not to fob you off at the first opportunity; our objective is to get you up and running whatever the problem.
  • Unlimited access to our online cloud based software platform which allows you to access the cameras from any device, anywhere.
  • Automatic software updates to the latest supported versions for all your equipment
  • Continual support for your system for as long as you own it and it is technically possible to keep it working.